Well for starter’s iit’s ya boy JAMES CALDERON but everyone know’s me from my miiddle name “ETHAN”. Aiin’t much to really say bout me that most people already don’t know lol, other than my iincrediible shoe fetiish, iit has once been saiid “the way to a man’s heart iis through hiis sole”, that must be true because AIR JORDAN has really tiickled my fancy lol, Yea ii collect and wear all my shoes, phase one iis keepiing em clean and phase two iis keepiin weariin em, THATS A MUST!!!! Really TEAM VOMIIT would’t be complete unless the star and team leader “1 MIILL” hadn’t created thiis siite and takiing iit thiis far, so shout out to hiis and the rest of the TEAM VOMIIT famiily. We came from the ground up and we won’t stop, we just gonna get biigger and the shoe collectiions wiill grow as the team grows, any more questiions for me my page diirectory iis located on the left or you can hiit me up on XBOX (gamertag) calderon2387, jolla…………

7 Responses to “Ethan Blog”

  1. 1 jambo2387 October 11, 2007 at 8:55 pm

    ii stay fresh lol, ii spelled “true” wrong, sorry vomiit 4 the fuck up lol

  2. 2 BELLA* November 8, 2007 at 12:31 am

    tell me why you have the most adorable face ever, e. haha =]

  3. 3 janet November 8, 2007 at 5:45 pm

    their goes my little ETHAN!! good luck with the website. LAZY KID lol!!! love ya… :-*

  4. 4 kike November 13, 2007 at 6:54 am

    mannn dont add this kidd to your xbox live.
    he would try to show you his white ass…
    hahaha.. naw but thatz why your fired..inside jokE! haha.

  5. 5 JANET** November 15, 2007 at 5:32 pm

    ETHAN my main squeeze lmao!!! haha…. I MISS YOU BOO!!!! and yessss you do tickle my fancy lol. 🙂

  6. 6 jambo2387 November 16, 2007 at 11:20 pm

    my janet loves meeeeeeee, but ii thiink ii LOVE her more, we tiickle eachothers fancy lol

  7. 7 JANET** November 20, 2007 at 5:09 pm

    nope i think i LOVE my ethan more his my “my world” “>> “>>

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