*Mrad & Tony Not Pictured

Who is Team Vomit?
Team Vomit is made up of 1 Mill, Vargas, Keithy, Retro Kid, Ethan,
Aaron, Mrad, R. Smooth and Dj Nikz. We are basically a group of friends who collect
shoes. We are not a gang or gang members so kickback with the hate 😀

How did you get your name?
We got it from wearing shoes that pretty much will make you vomit
because there so sick. Pretty simple eh?

Why did we make this site?

We basically made it out of boredom. Were a team that collects shoes but
we will post up the hottest shit going on wether its fashion, music or
anything else.

How Can I join Team Vomit?
We don’t add members to team vomit that we don’t know. The only people
in Team Vomit is people we hang out with on a daily basis.

When will you update the website?
Whenever were bored pretty much! Which happends a lot where we live so
expect it to be updated daily.

How do categories work?

Categories allow you see post specific to what you are looking for. If you are only searching for post showing music videos are a particular artist, you can click on that category and see all the post about that particular topic. This gives you a lot of control over the content you see. You can make the site to only show what interest you and skip the rest.

Who should I contact about advertisement opportunities?

All advertisement inquiries should be sent to WeAllWeGot@gmail.com


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Be advised that information on this site may or may not always be accurate, this site publishes factual information along with rumors. Therefore this site makes no warranties as to the validity of any claims appearing on the site or on links located on the site. TeamVomit.Com t is intended for entertainment purposes only . The owners of TeamVomit.Com are not responsible for content appearing in the comments section, or comment box. The authors of TeamVomit.Com shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage arising from the information contained in this web site or usage of this site. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.

Pictures/Music: Images tagged with, “TeamVomit.Com” are taken by the owners of the site or were posted with permission granted by the copyright owner. Other images are found on the internet and are believed to be in public domain. Sources for images are given when known. Full albums will not ever be posted on TeamVomit.Com, songs are posted for promotional use only. If you own any copyrighted material appearing on this site, contact the author at WeAllWeGot@gmail.com and the material will be remove promptly.

Team Vomit T.V.





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